Since 2001 when Dr Shine Koorkaparambil and Gudrun Samuel founded Ayurveda Garden, they have followed their goal … to bring the authentic Ayurveda from Kerala to Germany. Then, as now, it has been their aim to be able to offer the people of Germany traditional, high-quality Ayurveda at a very special place.
Nestling in the beautiful Salinen Park of Bad Rappenau is the health resort of Ayurveda Garden. This very special place makes it easy for you, our guest, to enjoy Ayurveda far from the stress and hectic of everyday life.
Our Philosophy
In our friendly Spa Centre, we look after each guest individually. Each procedure is prescribed by our doctor and harmonised with your actual state of health on that day. Our specially trained staff will accompany you during your entire stay and will pay special attention to any requests you may have. After your stay, our doctors are always here for any questions you may have.
Our concept of an individual travel arrival plan enables you to enjoy your personal Ayurveda Program when you have the time. Your personal needs are top on the list of our priorities.
During your stay, you will be served with three freshly cooked, hot vegetarian meals that balance out the three Doshas and are perfectly matched to every need.
We recommend that during your stay with us you relax and reduce your activity to support the wellness effect of your treatments.
Our Health Centre
Our health centre consists of three houses next to each other, easily reached on foot.
The Main House Saline 1
You are welcomed in our main house Saline 1 and it is here that you will find all your treatments. There is a large “Quiet Room“ where you can relax before and after your therapy, optimising the benefit of the treatment. Upstairs, in the morning before breakfast, we offer all guests the opportunity to take part in an early Yoga programme.
Restaurant and Seminar Saline 2
Im Nebengebäude finden Sie unsere Küche und unseren Speisesaal, in dem wir Ihnen als Gast alle Mahlzeiten anbieten. Gleichzeitig befindet sich im Nebengebäude unser Shop, hier finden Sie viele ayurvedische Artikel, die Sie während Ihres Aufenthaltes bei uns kennengelernt haben. Es gibt Kochbücher, Gewürze, ayurvedische Seifen und Shampoo, Räucherwerk und viele schöne Kostbarkeiten aus Indien.
In the neighbouring house, you will find the kitchen and our dining room where we serve our guests their meals. There is also a shop with lots of the Ayurveda products you have got to know about during your stay.
There are cookery books, herbs and spices, Ayurveda soaps and shampoo, incense and lots of treasures from India!
In the seminar room, you can enjoy our programme of lectures and films.
Our Guest House Saline 3
Im Gästehaus, Saline 3, bieten wir Ihnen 13 Einzelzimmer sowie zwei Doppelzimmer. Jedes unserer geschmackvoll eingerichteten Zimmer ist mit eigenem WC, Bad oder Dusche und Fön ausgestattet. In unserem Aufenthaltsraum bieten wir Ihnen Bücher und Zeitschriften und die Möglichkeit, abends mit anderen Gästen gesellig zusammen zu sein.
In our Guest House, we offer 13 single rooms and 2 double rooms.
These tastefully decorated rooms come with a toilet, bath or shower and hairdryer. In the lounge, we offer our guests books and newspapers and the opportunity to get together with other guests.